Sunday, April 26, 2009

Time for a New Post I Suppose

I have been kinda busy lately, but here's a quick run down of what has been happening!

1. Kody and I celebrated our first anniversary last Sunday. We went to St. Martinville to the Evangeline State Park, had lunch at a place called Possums (it was delicious and NO we did not eat any possum - haha). He gave me a monogrammed Slanket and it is so ridiculous and funny at the same time. We didnt eat anniversary cake because after the wedding we both agreed that would be disgusting to eat year old cake, so we went eat ice cream at Baskin Robins instead! We had a wonderful day!

2. I have been applying like crazy for jobs. I go to 2 teacher job fairs this week, so I will see what happens there. Also, I applied for some state positions, mostly at ULL and at UMC. I took some required tests and I passed them. I am going to follow up on those positions this week.

3. I subbed for the first time ever on Friday for a kindergarten class and it was fun!

4. I am real serious about bargain hunting now that I am unemployed and this is something that I am going to keep up with after I have a job again because I am saving insane amounts of money on items we need for the house.

5. I enjoyed Festival International this year, the weather was awesome and the groups were great. I know they broke records with the crowds this year, it was insane.

6. I baked a carrot cake for Easter and it was delicious. I am baking another one in a few minutes. I love baking.

I hope everyone is doing ok!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the first year of many! I'm so happy for you guys!
