Sunday, April 5, 2009

Going back to teaching sooner than planned...

I got laid off Friday. The economy down here is beginning to catch up with the rest of the country. The oil companies are freaking out and starting to lay off workers and in effect, that is slowing down the business where I worked (ALOT), and so I lost my job. So I went to the school board office and applied to substitute teach. I have to do fingerprints tomorrow or Tuesday and then I am good to go.

So everything is figured out for until the end of May, now I need to lock in a job for the next school year and for the summer, bummer, just to make sure ends meet. I am hoping Kody gets his stuff locked in so I dont worry so much.

Everyone keeps telling me that things happen for a reason, I just wish I could figure the reason out, I feel very defeated right now as this technically the third job I have lost since August, all for reasons completely out of my control.

I am just keeping my head up, going to enjoy my anniversary on the 19th, Festival on the 23rd, and the fair in Thibodaux the week after that. At least April is an inexpensive, but fun month!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your job woes. But, it sounds as if you always have a game plan, which is great. And from one sub to another, enjoy it! I really have liked the flexibility of subbing.
