Thursday, February 26, 2009

Caught the Flu or something NASTY - my random thoughts

It feels like the flu, but I took a flu shot. I started feeling bad Monday and Tuesday I felt worse but shrugged it off for Mardi Gras. Tuesday afternoon, I was knocked on my ass (so to speak), went to work Wednesday and left early and took off today. I feel better, but not great, but I will go get some hours in tomorrow.

I did clean my kitchen today so I dont feel completely useless. I also cleaned smelly dog and she is currently snoring really loud, so I guess she feels great.

I am completely obsessed with making beignets and tomorrow night I will try stuffing some with chocolate ganache filling. My husband will get fat if I dont cut it out, but I cant help it. I dont even eat them, I just love to make them.

I dont know if I want to teach next year, I am really confused right now and wish I could figure it all out. I did like teaching at first and I think I just got really burnt out teaching high school, so I think if I try middle school and am selective, I will enjoy it again. I have been told by former students that I was good, so I guess I did ok because I would not lie to my old teachers that I thought were idiots, so I dont know. And contrary to what others say, teachers get paid pretty damn good - I have a master's degree and I cant even make close to what I did teaching.

I really have baby fever. I never thought I would EVER, but I do and I think its because everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) is having babies right now. I am just waiting patiently until we can afford to feed another mouth - living off of my low salary and K's artist salary gets tough and we are playing catch up from my illness last summer. I think this may be the major reason I am thinking about teaching again. Until then, I will get my baby fill with all the little ones in my life.

I really want a McFlurry right now, so bad it hurts. Thanks 30 Rock from about 3 weeks ago.

I am so proud of my husband. He is every kind of amazing.

I need to work on my list. I feel like a slacker.

1 comment:

  1. I've been having baby fever, too. It's all the girls on thenest and my BFF and SIL are both having new babies, too. Teaching helps, I work with teenagers, and they make me never want to have kids!
