I have decided to join the 101 in 1001 challenge. I am writing out 101 goals that I would like to achieve and am going to keep track of these goals and my progress in this blog.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Book Number 5 Dave Ramsey's The Total Money Makeover. All I got to say is holy cow - i WILL be debt free in the next few years - this year: credit card next year: car year after that: student loans - its a MUST READ
Health 3. Ride bike for 3 hours every week for a month (0/12) 4. Take yoga classes 5. Lose 74 pounds (4/74) 6. Keep food journal for 2 weeks (0/14) 7. Take my vitamin(s) once a day at least 100 times (15/100) 10. Dry my own fruit using a dehydrator
Self Indulgences
13. Get a manicure just because 14. Get a pedicure just because 15. Buy sexy lingerie and actually wear it 16. Read 50 books in 2009 (40/50) 17. Taste a new food that I normally would not eat 18. Have a 'girls night' at least 3 times a year (5/9) 19. Have a 'date night' with my husband at least once a month (20/33) 20. Keep my nails well groomed and polished for an entire month (0/31) 21. Spend a day at the spa and get the full treatment 23. Shave my legs every 2 days for a month (0/15)
Financial 24. Write a will and living will 25. Work on Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps 1, 2, 3 - started 1/25/09 26. Deposit $10 into savings for each item completed ($0/$1010) 27. Deposit $1 into savings for each day of the project ($0/$1001) 28. Make a budget and stick to it for 3 months (0/3) 30. Pay off credit card balances and then cut up the cards (1/4) 31. Pay off Mustang - 1 payment left! 32. Save all change for duration of list and cash out at the end of 1001 days Services 34. Adopt a family/child every Christmas (0/2) 35. Randomly pay for someone's meal in a restaurant 37. Remember important dates and send cards 38. Send a care package to a soldier overseas 40. Write and mail 10 handwritten letters 42. Attend at least 6 Art Walks or art exhibits with my husband (5/6) 43. Surprise my husband with a candlelit dinner 44. Bring dog/cat food to an animal shelter once a month for a year(0/12)
Home 46. Own a home 47. Own land 48. Buy flowers for the house once a month for a year (1/12) 51. Clean my car at least once a month for a year (4/12) Projects 53. Make a book of my favorite recipes for me 54. Publish a book of my favorite recipes and sell 55. Make a scrapbook 56. Learn how to sew using a sewing machine 58. Transfer all home videos to DVD 59. Photograph a part of my life every day for a year (0/365) 61. Learn conversational French 62. Make calendars for the family with all the important dates 64. Grow a vegetable garden - planting some veggies in my flower bed, does that count? 65. Practice my guitar for at least 1 hour a week for 6 months (0/24) 66. Sort all photos and make them into photo books 67. Scan all of the family land documents to disc 68. Get my business off of the ground 69. Make all gifts for one Christmas 70. Acquire and use reusable grocery bags 71. Visit graves of lost loved ones at least once a year (0/3) 72. Find a group on Meetup and join it, and attend a meeting for this group - joined a group on 1/28/09 and will attend a meetup when one is scheduled 73. Eat a picnic lunch in a park or near a body of water 74. Make my own jelly/preserves OR can something 75. Host a 'Goodwill Formal' costume party 76. Go bargain hunting at least 20 times (10/20) 78. Keep a dream journal for 1 month (0/31) 79. Go 1 week without watching any television (0/7) 80. Find quotes to live by and jot them in my 'hope' notebook 81. Get up when the alarm goes off, not after snoozing for 1 month (0/31) 82. Campaign for a candidate in an election Travel
87. Go to New York 88. Go to Las Vegas
Inner Health 89. Identify 100 things that make me happy (0/100) 90. Identify 25 things I like about myself (0/25) 91. List one thing I am grateful for, every day for a year (0/365) 92. Go to church once a week for 3 months (0/12) 94. Graciously accept every compliment I receive for 6 months (0/6) 95. Give at least one compliment per month for 6 months to someone I dont know (6/6) 96. Give at least one compliment per week to someone I do know (80/142) 97. Do an unselfish act once a month (16/33) 98. Do a selfish act once a month (16/33) 99. Don't complain about anything for 1 week (0/7) 100. Start a new 101 list on day 1000
1. Write out a list and start a blog - completed 1/20/09
8. Get health insurance for husband and me - 6/30/09
22. Purchase myself a KitchenAid stand mixer - received as a gift 1/24/09
33. Sort the bills as they come in and toss the junk mail
41. Volunteer for a cause that I believe in - joined the Susan G. Komen foundation
45. Clean out back bedroom and turn it into an actual bedroom - completed 1/25/09
52. Obtain a piece of original art for my home - an old painting of my granny's for my kitchen - June 2009
83. Change the burnt tail light on my car 84. Renew the inspection and plate on my car (they are expired/expiring) 85. Pay the 'fee' for my car insurance 2. update blog with accomplishments 29. Use coupons to shop for groceries
101. Encourage a friend to start their 101 - Tonia 3/27/09 86. Go on vacation with a group of friends (NOLA Rob and April)
11. Go see the eye doctor and get some new eyeglasses and contact lenses
49. Make the bed every day for a month (31/31) - Feb/Mar 2010
60. Start a new craft and follow through to the finish - painted name letters
12. Get a facial just because
36. Donate 101 things I no longer need/use/wear (101/101)
39. Buy and donate childrens' books to a worthy cause
50. Clean out my closet and drawers
57. Bake and decorate a wedding cake - going to do Kim's wedding cake
63. Grow an herb garden
77. Take a cooking or baking class - scheduled a cake class to begin 4/10/10
93. Make a baby (after a majority of this list is completed, of course)
101 in 1001
The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part)
Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Some common goal setting tips: 1. Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it. 2. Stay Focussed. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress. 3. Welcome Failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthy. 4. Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment. 5. Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of your thinking.
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